How We Work

We focus on areas with the potential for high-impact, sustainable solutions that can reach hundreds of millions of people. We work closely with our partners to support innovative approaches and expand existing ones so they reach the people who need them most.

Training and Capacity Building

Development and delivery of training programs for loan officers, branch managers and Loan managers to increase staff capacity; mentoring of senior managers.

Information Technology

Production of technology audits; management of technology projects; support with selection and implementation of management information systems.

Risk Management

Automation of loan evaluation processes for improved credit scoring and risk calculation; design of institutional risk management strategies, including risk mapping, modeling, NPA Management.

Client Education

Delivery of financial literacy modules to educate members in managing their personal finances and using financial services effectively, in designing the business training modules to educate clients in operating more efficient businesses.


Repayment period may be on weekly basis/monthly basis as the case may be.
The repayment period should be 12 months to 36 months.
Each group may consist of 10 to 15 members.

Loan cycles

  • 1st phase
  • 2nd phase
  • 3rd phase

After full disbursement, physical verification is being done by our Credit Officer and accordingly an inspection report vis a vis utilization certificate is prepared. If any irregularity is observed, care is taken to remove it.


Corporate planning with specific programme / scheme, budget etc. at the beginning of the F.Y or by the end of previous F.Y. to set target for the developments of the organization as a whole.


The MIS (Monthly Information System) has been introduced to gather information for development in different steps of micro credit programmes. It is to be prepared on monthly & weekly basis which enables the managements to take decision and to give proper directives to the field functionaries; MIS covers the receipt and payments and fund transfer, cash & bank balance etc. Monthly overdue statements should be prepared for controlling the defaults of the Borrower members at the end of each month’s branch wise.
Human Resource Development is done for proper utilization of manpower.

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