Established in the year 1995-96, DAKSHIN BUDHAKHALI IMPROVEMENT SOCIETY (DBIS), is registered under West Bengal Society Registration Act,1961 .The organization has been rendering its dedicated services to the poor & under privileged people in 3 districts of the state of West Bengal for nine years continuously and has a plan to expand the programme to its neighboring Districts. Presently the organization has concentrated on the alternative livelihood & economic development, women empowerment and integrated child welfare programme and providing loans to women from Economically Weaker Sections. With encouragement and appreciation from you all, the society is now poised to expand its area of operations across West Bengal and cater to those who do not have access to traditional banking, with an objective to promote self-employment and financial inclusion.
Dakshin Budhakhali Improvement Society was registered on 25th April ,1995 under West Bengal Societies Registration Act. 1961. The focus of DBIS has been to look after the vulnerable sections of society especially women and children. The executive members of DBIS are professionals from various walks of life who share a common goal articulated in the vision.
Dakshin Budhakhali Improvement Society (DBIS) started with its two fold objectives mainly to improve the quality of life of poor people through sustainable community development activities and educate the people mainly women, youth and children so that they can enjoy their basic rights. From the year 2004-05 the society started to organize the women and facilitate them to form Self Help Groups for their economic self sufficiency. The organization primarily started to work with SHGs in poverty alleviation programme through Micro-finance, training for capacity building and awareness generation activities. At present DBIS is enriched with 2776 nos of SHGs. The organization believes in local resource mobilization and its optimum uses for community development. DBIS has expanded its works in 3 districts of West Bengal. It has been manned by a team of devoted and professional workers to fulfill the objectives.
The organization has been rendering its dedicated services to the poor and under privileged people in 3 districts of the state of West Bengal for nine years continuously and has a plan to expand the programme to its neighboring states very soon. Presently the organization has concentrated on the alternative livelihood and economic development, women empowerment and integrated child welfare programme.
Discipline ,Integrity ,Transparency ,Accountability and Service in all our activities and actions.DBIS stands for Discipline, Brother hood, Integrivity and Service.
WORKING AREA : Kolkata, South 24 Pgs. , North 24 Pgs & Howrah District of West Bengal
The organization that started to work for underprivileged people including urban poor, slum, rural and tribal poor, destitute women and children to improve their socio-economic conditions through Micro-credit, vocational training, education, health aids and social development programmes with cooperation of different agencies and Govt financial Institutions. The target of the organization is to work with 150000 nos of poor families by 2020 for their all round development, self sustainable and economically empowered rural, tribal & suburban society.
Dakshin Budhakhali Improvement Society (DBIS) is committed to create an environment in the targeted area through participation in community development initiatives for the people belonging to under privileged communities, women, adolescents and in the remote areas where there are little justice for women, children, and old aged people of poor and disadvantageous economic status and minorities. The improvement of quality of life, creation of community assets, jobs for youth and legal protection to the women are also taken care of.