Governing Body : The elite Board Members comprising of 7(seven) members of : Dakshin Budhakhali Improvement Society always steers the institution on the right track.
GOVERNING BODY & KEY FUNCTIONARIES : The Managing Committee, comprising of Secretary, President, and Treasurer, have been entrusted with the task of carrying out the daily operation of Dakshin Budhakhali Improvement Society and has the power to exercise any power and function of the Governing Body except those related to approval of appointment of any new member to the Governing Body or those relating to framing/changing/amending of the by laws, rules or regulations.
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT : Human Resource Development is focused on and aligned to business imperatives with an emphasis on organizational performance, improvement and culture-building through a three-year rolling HRD roadmap. The key components of the roadmap are – employee appointment, resourcing, performance management, IT enablement, virtual delivery of services, people’s capability building, business Continuity, Action plans etc. through successive planning and organization building. HR has played a critical role in supporting the business goals during the various changes in the sector as well as in the Society. The total manpower of the MFI stood at 26 as on March 31, 2016.